Not all these picures are from the "Ford Day" get-together, but they're all from about the same time. Yes, we're pretty proud of our Ford's to take 12 pictures of ourselves.

The Altamont pictures are from the 2001 Spectator Challenge, where common folks can race the track's CAM cars for real money! Austin took 4th and I took 5th... which doesn't sound that impressive, but we both had to race through two heat races just to get to the final. The final event was a blast, I passed Austin with 2 to go for 4th, then got passed back only a half a lap later! Pretty fun

There's also a few pics of Austin's graduation, and the bike he had to build to get there.

The 1469 Train was an impossible find, in fact it was too good to be true... it was changed from the 4169 train to correct fate's little mistake.